Tripoli’s Courthouse
Neoclassical & listed buildings in Tripolis
In 1914 the construction of the Courthouse of Tripolis began and was completed 20 years later in 1934. The Courthouse was inaugurated a year later by the arcadian Minister of Justice Theodoro Tourkovasili. It was the first Courthouse ever to be built in Greece and it is included in the Ministry of Culture’s directory of historical buildings. The statues of two well known judges, Georgios Tertsis (1800-1874) and Anastasis Polizoidis (1802-1873) have been placed on both sides of the building’s marble entrance. These judges presided over the trial against the imprisoned leaders who were fighting for Greek independence and refused to condemn Kolokotroni, Plapouta and their companions. The Square of Areos played a significant role in the promotion of the Courthouse. The sheer size of the square has impressed visitors from all over the globe and according to researchers it is one of the largest squares in the Balkans.
37°30’47.7″N – 22°22’30.5″E